Monday, December 21, 2015

Mentality of Anti-Vaxxers

   In this time of age, we have vaccines to prevent people with infections or prevent them to be seriously ill. Unfortunately, there are people who don't permit vaccines for themselves or their children because of their beliefs.

   There is an article called What Psychologists Say About Anti-Vaxxers: They're Raging Narcissists by psychologist Jean Twenge. She believes that people who don't allow vaccines for their children are narcissists. She says that culture was very different. Individualism wasn't very strong back when the Measles vaccine was around starting in the early 1960's. Point 1 of 4 is that narcissists think some rules don't apply to them, so they do whatever they wish as long as it doesn't affect themselves. They don't want their kids getting vaccines because they believe that their kid is special. Therefore, they don't need one. Point 2 of 4 is that they don't have any empathy. There are people who can't be vaccinated due to compromised immune systems. To prevent getting diseases, other people must be vaccinated to protect the people who can't get vaccines. But it doesn't matter if someone's kid died from infection. It didn't happen to my kid. Point 3 of 4 is that they think they know everything. Unless if they tested the vaccine themselves, why believe anyone else. I know why, they think everyone around them is an idiot. People now don't trust anyone anymore because they think they are evil, stupid, or both. Point 4 of 4 is that they get overconfident. They don't believe that anything will happen to them until it actually does. But that is the mentality of narcissists.

  It's a shame that we have people that endanger their kids because of their own ignorant beliefs. There will be many outbreaks in the future that shouldn't happen because of peoples' incompetence to vaccinate themselves and their children.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Why You Should Vaccinate

     What should you consider when you decide to vaccinate your kids? To make sure that you want to vaccinate your kid, you must do some research to see if your kid is able to get the vaccine.

      There are reasons why parents give their kids is because it's to keep themselves healthy. An important reason is to make sure that they don't get any diseases that are easily preventable. Surprisingly, there is only a small percentage of parents that don't vaccinate their children. According to an article on, there is six percent of Colorado students are able to go to school whose parents do not allow vaccines for their children. There are some cases that some children can't be vaccinated due to compromised immune systems. In that case, there isn't too much to do with some children's health.

      People sometimes don't think of the flu as a illness because people can recover easily. We live in a world where we have vaccines for nearly everything. Unfortunately, there were five children who died in the 2012-2013 flu season. People can't be vaccinated because of their age. People can be too young or too old to get vaccines.

     We are very grateful that we live in a world where we can be vaccinated easily. Since we have vaccines, we don't have to worry all the time of being infected with something deadly.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

People Against Vaccinations

Jacob Morris

     We now live in a time where we have treatments and cures to disorders and diseases. However, due to religious reasons, people don't want them for themselves or children. The reason is that some vaccinations use aborted fetal tissues. Christians are against abortion believing that it is murder. Why would you risk your children's health for your own beliefs?

     There are many diseases and afflictions that we can get easily exposed. With the chicken pox vaccine, 3% people who get the vaccine end up getting chicken pox. For people that are vaccinated for chicken pox, can still get it but the symptoms are not as serious as an un-vaccinated person. Some experts say that if you were previously vaccinated for measles, you can get a serious chronic condition. It would be good if you are vaccinated and get chicken pox, you don't get it as bad.

     For people who don't want certain vaccines due to their beliefs on abortion, there are alternatives. There are alternatives to the Hepatitis-B. "Engerix and Comvax both which are produced using yeast than human or animal cell lines." - Staver. For polio, an alternative is called IPOL. IPOL is not taken from aborted fetal tissue. There are other afflictions that have alternative vaccine choices. There's alternative for Mumps, Rabies, and Rubella.

    People lose their minds when it comes to mandatory vaccines. There was an instance when two kids were expelled for not having their required vaccines. It makes sense not to let them in school but expulsion is a bit excessive. The effects from the kids' expulsion is when Child Protective Services were called because the kids were not in school. There was a lawsuit filed against the school. The school had to let the kids back into school by allowing the kids to go to school unvaccinated. Good idea, unvaccinated kids causing an pandemic in a school.

   We are thankful that we have cures and treatments for diseases that back then, could kill you. We need to take advantage of the gift of vaccines. I guess that if you don't want vaccines for yourself, I don't have too much of a problem. However, if you don't permit it for your children, you are putting your kids in a higher risk.